
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Solving the homeless problem

One way to do it is to remove the homeless
Metropolitan New Orleans area has seen almost a 90 percent drop in its homeless population in the last decade, from nearly 12,000 individuals to about 1,300 in a count this year, according to Ellen Lee, director of the Office of Community Development for New Orleans. Some 300 people left the streets in the past year alone, an achievement she attributes to outreach efforts by the city and nonprofit groups.

Counting Coleman and her children, Grace at the Greenlight has helped 1,003 people into a home — most of them in cities outside New Orleans, said Sarah Parks, the group’s executive director.
Back in December LaToya Cantrell fought like hell to keep the city from opening a low-barrier homeless shelter in Central City because some charter school assholes didn't want to have to look at it. They moved it to, like, a dumpster behind the VA hospital or something. But, I guess, a bus out of town is ideal, really.