
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

What did Bobby Jindal know and when did he know it?

Sure, Jindal fired Greenstein and canceled the contract when a federal subpoena arrived last year, but in this case, he’s not going to be able to brush past questions so easily.

Not only did Greenstein’s alleged misdeeds happen on Jindal’s watch and his old turf. They also call into question the administration’s commitment to, and mastery of, another professed priority: ethics.

Back when Jindal won his first term in 2007, that’s about all he talked about. He promised to create a “gold standard” and used his post-election honeymoon to muscle through a legislative package that increased disclosure, tightened lobbying rules and revamped enforcement.

The changes weren’t an end in themselves, supposedly. The ultimate aim, Jindal always said, was to send a message to companies looking to do business in Louisiana that they’d get a fair shake. That’s a particularly important goal for an administration so bent on privatization.
But long before the subpoena happened, the State Attorney General's Office and many state legislators already had reason to suspect that Greenstein wasn't quite up to that "gold standard" for ethics.  What took the Governor so long?

Also, occasionally I like to remind folks of how gullible the media can be.