
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Blank slated

Despite the best efforts of realtors, transplants and various entrepreneurial arrivistes to re-define it to their liking,  Post-Katrina New Orleans is not a blank slate.  Although this Gambit blurb seems to celebrate that idea a little.
I guess we're slowly renaming our wards and faubourgs New York-style. New York has TriBeCa (Triangle Below Canal Street), SoHo (South of Houston Street) and DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass). By that metric, I live in Mid-City in "CanCarr" (Canal/Carrollton), which is a term I just made up. Or maybe it's the "Jeff Bank" (Jefferson Davis and Banks). Or maybe it's "Finn's Kitchen."

Have you heard of "LoRo" or "Low Road"? And what's your New York-ish neighborhood abbreviation?
"Oooh what's your contribution to this exciting game?" that last line seems to ask.  Maybe we really are just giving up and letting the "stargazers" or whatever have it.  Their city now, I guess. 
The owners of Booty's Street Food in Bywater will open a new restaurant in downtown's South Market District next year, the latest in a string of future tenants that developers have unveiled in recent months.

The restaurant, Ursa Major, will explore international small-plates and craft cocktails "but from a stargazer's perspective," said co-owner Kevin Farrell, in a news release on Tuesday.
No, of course that can't possibly mean anything.  If you think it means something, you're part of the problem. 

But whatever. I'll play the stupid Turn New Orleans into New York game too if I must.  Pretty sure I live in SoFAB now. I know because my rent went up this month.  Somebody's going to have to go adjust the signage, though.

Welcome To Central City