
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sophisticating up the gang-banging

According the Tweeter Tube, moments ago Ronal Serpas said this.
"If you have a very organized gang you have greater opportunities to do intervention strategies that are successful."

Still waiting for the context of that but it sounds eerily similar to former New Orleans Inspector General Robert Cerasoli's statement that the problem with municipal corruption here was that it isn't sophisticated like it is in other cities.

Serpas also appears to be defending his policy of slandering murder victims by releasing their prior arrest records. "Well now the community is talking about it," says Serpas apparently regarding the often irrelevant but damaging personal information he attaches to public notices of violent deaths in New Orleans.

And then there's this.

Serpas: "100% of people were unemployed who were killed."

Any minute now we're expecting Councilwoman Palmer to suggest a curfew for all unemployed persons in New Orleans... for their own protection, of course.

Update: Here's the story Matt Davis (the source of the above quoted tweets) wrote for The Lens about Sepras' appearance at City Council today.