The New Orleans Saints once drafted a man named "Saints"... or more accurately, they drafted former San Diego State QB Todd Santos. Despite the obvious good omen in play, Santos was cut in training camp due to what then Saints general manager Jim Finks called a "lazy arm." It was the first time I had encountered such a term although later I came to understand the conventional wisdom which holds that the success or failure of a professional quarterback is supremely dependent upon the quickness of his delivery. (This was, of course, the pre-Tebow era and therefore a much more gentle and rational time.) After his release, Santos was briefly picked up by San Francisco (which is where the actual Los Santos will be headed this weekend) before dropping out of football altogether.
Anyway the only reason any of this came to mind at all this week is that just prior to the Saints-Lions game, Menckles was walking around saying, "Quien? Quien? Quien dicen que derrotaran a los Santos?" So use these facts in whatever way you please.
Also, you're welcome.