
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mayor Landrieu growing tired of his own bullshit

September 19, 2011 New Orleans Mayor Landrieu Addresses Committee Members At NLC Policy Forum
Mayor Landrieu stressed that while Washington maintains a “slash and cut” ideology — reducing investments in key areas such as public safety, infrastructure, community development and education — the citizens of our hometowns still expect and deserve an outstanding government that represents and fights for the growing needs of the country’s communities. So while New Orleans has not been immune to the same fiscal difficulties that plague other cities, its mantra has been to “cut smart, reorganize and invest in the future.”

“Our approach is not mired in ideology,” Mayor Landrieu said. “It’s not about politics or egos. It’s based on flexibility and efficiency. It’s about producing results for the people of New Orleans… Our goal is not just to do more with less, but to be smarter with less, better with less.”

October 17, 2011 Landrieu presents NOLA budget
The mayor said he will continue to try and do more with less, saying department will face cuts, with the notable exception of the New Orleans Police Department.

"We're not cutting the police department," the mayor said. "As a matter of fact, we're going to add the first recruit class for this administration."

The mayor said the city must do something about ever-increasing expenses, noting that 25 cents of every dollar must be dedicated to covering the city's growing pension obligation.

November 14, 2011 Despite public’s pleas for basic repairs, mayor wants to cut public works spending
Despite that clear call, the mayor has proposed cutting overall departmental spending by $4 million from, $23 million in 2011 to $19 million in 2012. General-fund spending will shrink by $840,774 or four percent. The Landrieu administration maintains that the cut won’t affect the quality of services because of increased efficiency within City Hall. Wielding data that shows steady improvements in meeting monthly goals for pothole fixes and streetlight repairs, the administration says that will continue an upward performance spike, regardless of cuts in personnel and operating spending.

We are doing more with less,” Deputy Mayor of Facilities, Infrastructure and Community Development Cedric Grant said at a budget hearing Monday in City Council Chambers. “These are difficult times and we are making difficult decisions.”

All of which brings us to this week's press conference.

Mayor Mitch Talks Guns Following Morning Murder in Algiers

Piggybacking on President Barack Obama's call for "nation building at home" during last night's State of the Union address, Landrieu talked about the need for more funds at home.

"When Washington and the state of Louisiana says do more with less, it's a myth," Mayor Mitch said. "You can only do less with less."

Perhaps.. it's learning.