
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

PAC tracking

As Florida Republicans go to the polls to give Mitt what looks like a sizeable victory today, the various Super PACs are filing finance reports for the final quarter of 2011. Here's what we know so far. Stephen Colbert's gag Super PAC appears to have out-raised PACs associated with ex-candidates Herman Cain and Rick Perry.

Colbert's PAC included a copy of its form (PDF) with a press release sent out this morning which included the following comment.
"Colbert Super PAC has brought in a staggering $1,023,121.24, which my accountant explains to me that is a number far above 'one,' 'two,' 'five,' or even 'many'" said Stephen Colbert, President and Returning Champion of Colbert Super PAC. "We raised it on my show and used it to materially influence the elections – in full accordance with the law. It's the way our founding fathers would have wanted it, if they had founded corporations instead of just a country."