
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"Every evil to which we do not succumb, is a benefactor"

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

I still don't really know what to say about this. Every time I close my eyes I keep seeing this film over and over.

Wang gives a nice little pep talk here. And I'm trying to keep my head up about things in the spirit of the words at the title of this post. The Superbowl win in 2009 was a payoff to 40 years of accumulated evils Saints fans had absorbed but not succumbed to despair over. The eventual benefit of that was a moment of joy the likes of which we're not likely to experience again.

Lombardi Gras Night
Lombardi Gras Parade crowd at Lee Circle February 9, 2010

But then again, if we can all manage the stamina to internalize a few more staggering evils like the one referenced above and, of course, this gut punch last year, maybe it won't be another 40 years before we've earned our next joy.