TOKYO — An explosion early Tuesday morning may have damaged the inner steel containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, leading to the wide release of radioactive materials there and forcing the evacuation of some emergency workers, the plant’s operator said.
The blast appeared to be different — and more severe — than those that at two other troubled reactor at the same nuclear complex because this one, reported to have occurred at 6:14 a.m., happened in the “pressure suppression room” in the cooling area of the reactor, raising the possibility to damage to the reactor’s containment vessel.
I wish I had something funny to say here but I just don't. Nothing any of us can say from here will make a bit of difference one way or the other anyway. Note, then, that if this is true, it would be nice if we could lay off people for saying whatever irrelevant thing comes to mind. But I guess we can't have nice things.