9:37 PM: For sake of clarity, I will from now on abbreviate 'win the future' as WTF.
As for substance? Well we already knew what it was going to be. It was more of Obama selling the permanent oligarchical agenda (waging war, abandoning Social Security, giving everything away to the banks) in buzzwordspeak that makes self-styled centrists and pseudo-liberals feel all warm and fuzzy ("innovation" "education" "competition" etc.) Obama also disingenuously alluded to the need for infrastructure investment while also proposing a fiscal austerity which makes such a program either impossible or at the very least too politically confused to achieve. In other words, "Gee I really like monorails!" Thanks a lot.
As with any of these, we're just talking about theater anyway. Please enjoy these two years of theater designed to soft sell the oligarchy before we inevitably switch back to the hard sell in 2012.
Update: See also, Drake Toulouse: Spill? What spill? Barack Obama already forgets…