Well, if Serpas wants to hire a whole bunch of at-will supervisors under him, I hope he realizes this makes him more, not less directly responsible for their actions.
Police Superintendent Ronal Serpas today asked the Civil Service Commission to approve a reorganization of the New Orleans Police Department's senior management structure. Serpas wants to hire 16 unclassified police colonels to oversee the major divisions of the force. Currently there are 32 divisions led by majors, captains and lieutenants, all of whom are civil service employees who cannot be fired due to a change in political leadership.
In a logical world, it's easy to see that yes men cannot also be fall guys, but we don't live in that world which is one reason we have civil service in the first place. But the new way of thinking is that if we give the Philosopher King free reign to walk all over people things will magically work better. Good luck with that.