The Pussyfooters Blush Ball is this Saturday night at the Howlin Wolf. Tickets are $35.00 at the door. The ball and accompanying raffle raise money for the Metropolitan Center for Women and Children which is a non-profit organization providing services to victims of domestic violence. Plus the ball is an all-around good time. Last year, we were there to take in the debut public performance of the now famous 610 Stompers.

Meanwhile, I'm sifting through recent years of photos. These are all of Rex making his majesty's royal pee break and toast at the Downman House on St. Charles and Third. (For some reason my Flickr account is missing 2006 and 2007 right now. Will update if I find these pictures at home)

REX 2008

REX 2009

REX 2010 (note the Saints flag)