
Monday, November 22, 2010

Okay so what happened?

Boil water order lifted across east bank of New Orleans
But officials on Sunday also admitted that they still hadn't figured out what caused the Sewerage & Water Board's in-house power plant, located at the South Claiborne Avenue campus, to shut down for about 10 minutes late Friday. The brief crash caused pressure in the city's water pipes to drop to levels that could allow bacteria to invade the pipes.

S&WB Executive Director Marcia St. Martin has called Friday night's sudden shutdown of the power plant, which also supports about half of the city's drainage capacity, a "catastrophic failure of all the redundant systems."

"Yes, there are backup systems, and yes, they failed," she said Sunday.

St. Martin has admitted that until officials can figure out what caused the power plant to crash, there's a chance it could happen again.
I hope they tell us when they find out. Or maybe they'll just move on to the all important marketing phase of recovery.