
Friday, November 19, 2010

Don't worry about it

It's funny, like ha ha funny

New Orleans - Lt. Joseph Meisch took the stand saying he recalls Officer Greg McRae laughing as he came down the levee from the scene of a burning car -- a car containing Henry Glover's body. Blank and expressionless is how he described Lt Dwayne Scheuermann, the other defendant accused in the car burning.

Lt Meisch was a 4th District investigator when Katrina struck. He told jurors he was standing outside when he saw two vehicles driving on the levee. He watched the first car drive down the levee out of site, then saw a plume of smoke as two officers walked away from the car and toward him. He recalls "Greg McRae said 'Don't worry about it' and Lt Scheuermann said 'I got it'." Meisch told jurors he was confident Scheuermann would handle whatever it was. He also told jurors that after the Glover investigation became public, Scheuermann encouraged him to tell the truth, adding that McRae 'made a stupid mistake'.

Not exactly "I got it" as in #wegotthis but similar.