
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Assembled QsOTD

Look, it might have been slightly better if Obama had acknowledged the economy’s problems more forthrightly, rather than continuing to insist that the ARRA was doing just fine. But that’s not about focus — and not at all opposed to doing health reform too.

What’s crucial to remember here is that economic policy is about actually doing things, not about saying “Message: I care.” A bigger stimulus — and, importantly, one that wouldn’t fade out just in time for the midterms — would have mattered. “Focus”, not so much.

First Deputy Mayor Andy Kopplin at the City budget hearings (as paraphrased by The Lens):
Kopplin says government efficiency consultant could help government identify needless consulting contracts.

Also via The Lens Twitter feed from the budget hearing:
"I'm not sure who's in charge of things, but we just lost several lights here," (Councilman Arnie) Fielkow said. Lights blown out in the chamber.

Former Mayor Ray Nagin on former Technology Officer Greg Meffert's decision to reach a plea deal with federal prosecutors.
“The reality is this was an independent act by Meffert,” Nagin said. “I’m not the target, have never been a target of any of these investigations. In fact, during the civil trial, I wasn’t even called as a witness. I don’t see it. I haven’t done anything wrong, so I hope he tells it all.”
Just for kicks, Dambala digs up a famous radio interview in which Meffert aggressively denied any and all wrongdoing.

Drew Brees on Saints' offensive tackle Zach Streif to whom Brees almost completed a touchdown pass Sunday night while running a play some of have been waiting years to see.
"I remember throwing about three balls in practice right at about his face mask, and he'd just snatch 'em," Brees said. "He's a really good athlete. You should see him play basketball."