
Friday, March 13, 2009

We're off the edge of the map

How uncanny are the times we're living in these days? Yeah, we've got our Vice-Presidential assassination squads, failing banks left and right, and a threat of rain for the St. Patrick's day and Super Sunday parades. But amidst all this chaos, there is one more harbinger of doom that has been largely overlooked. I'm talking, of course, about the disturbing trend towards increasingly accurate predictions here on the Yellow Blog.

And I mean the really big ones too like my calling the Presidential election with the exact number of electoral votes. Or... and these are the ones that really blow my mind.... nailing the Saints' record for two seasons in a row.

And then, there's this. In an "expectations for 2009" post in January, I wrote,
I expect Bobby Jindal to have a rougher time of things this year. He's already made some enemies in Baton Rouge and as stupid and incapable as those enemies may be, they are enemies nonetheless. Plus it's never much fun for a Governor of a state running such a huge budget deficit. Expect trouble. And, since it's Louisiana, expect it to be funny.

How's that going? Here's James Gill to update us,
This has not been a good year for Gov. Bobby Jindal, and it may get worse. Perhaps you think that is not possible -- that Jindal hit his nadir when they billed him as the "rising star" of the GOP and put him up against President Barack Obama on national TV.

It would indeed be hard to match that debacle, and Jindal will not have an audience of that size again any time soon. But he keeps plugging away, and misses no opportunity to bomb on a smaller stage. The cumulative effect could eventually do more harm to his presidential ambitions than his one famous flop.

Now I am sorely tempted to post that entire Gill column here as it is among his most inspired. By all means go read the whole thing. For now, it will suffice to say at least this much about Gill's assessment: Jindal? not doing so hot in 2009. Will it get any easier when the Legislature goes into session? Nope. Is it funny? Hell yes! So, again.. nailed it!

Next week, I think maybe I'll start picking stocks.

Instant Update: Should have read Adrastos first. Now Jindal apparently has his own "deletion" problem.

Slightly less instant update: Had to fix a gajillion typos post-publication. Sorry 'bout that.