Yeah I know it's kind of a bad time what with all the fun going on around town. (See everything mentioned in the below-linked WCBF post plus... oh I don't know... throw a dart at your feed reader and pick something... that one, for example.)
But I think it's safe to say that, despite the excitement, posting here will be a bit light this week... and then non-existent the week after. I've got some pretty heavy personal business to attend to this weekend before taking a week long vacation abroad so... yeah don't expect too much.
It ain't all that bad, though. It's not like I'm going away forever or anything. (In the words of my friend and mentor Chris Rose, I'm "not suited to live anywhere else")
Besides, interrupting the blog gives me an opportunity to join the multitude of Randian "wealth producers" and other assorted conservative nutcases in Going Galt for a week. The neat thing is, at the same time, I will also be engaged in the celebrated hipster lefty tradition of retreating to France. It's kind of a fair-and-balanced post-partisan douche-out and something I'm quite proud to accomplish.
Maybe by the end of the week, I'll get to that Mardi Gras hippie dumpster diving story I've been sitting on.... but don't be surprised if I don't.