
Saturday, March 07, 2009

This generation's Peggy Wilson (Updated and Upperdated)

Recall Stacy Head!!!

I get constant feedback from otherwise reasonable people who don't think she deserves to be treated like this. I don't think they know what they're talking about... but I do get to hear a lot of it nonetheless.

Update: T-P: Black residents defend City Councilwoman Stacy Head against claims of racism The key bit from the article being,
Head, who is white, did not attend the news conference, which featured eight residents who testified to the assistance she has offered their community since she was elected to represent District B in 2006.

Because, had she been there, she would have inevitably said something self-defeating.

Upperdate: James Gill had an entertaining column this weekedn about Recall maestro Rev. Toris Young. Gill is writing about Young in reference to his efforts to recall Joseph Cao but Young is involved in the RECALL STACY HEAD!!! movement as well.

I'm not a fan of recall as a tool in general. And I didn't want to give the impression that I was promoting either of the current recall efforts. However, I have said and will continue to say that Stacy Head has made some destructive decisions and inflammatory statements during her tenure on the council that I think reveal a class-based prejudice which I cannot countenance. I would venture to say, however, that she is probably not a "racist" in the sense that people like Rev. Young would have us believe.

Uppestdate: In 2007, Ashley Morris and Sean Benjamin agreed that Head was the "Jackie Clarkson for a new generation" I'm sticking with Wilson, however, because Jackie, while infuriating at times, never quite became a polarizing lighting rod of this magnitude.