
Tuesday, March 03, 2009

This week's The Gambit complaint *

By now most The Gambit readers should be familiar with editor Kevin Allman's affinity for pun-making. Or.. at least... most of us have deduced this from following Allman's posts to the The Gambit blog for a while and from noting a significant increase in the frequency of punned headlines atop The Gambit features and articles since the advent of his editorship there. (Perhaps this is a coincidence. I don't know, it's just something the readers have noticed) In any event, concerned The Gambit readers who follow and care about such things were disappointed this week to find Allman's cover story.

The article itself, on the long lonely saga of Louisiana's thankfully underutilized Covenant Marriage law, is both informative and hilarious. Not to mention timely since, it points out several times that none other than Governor PBJ (so much in the news this week for his earnest and forthright style of political leadership and moral example) was among the first... and still few... to take advantage of the covenant option. ** Jindal and his wife Supriya now enjoy the blessings of the impossibility of no-fault divorce.

Unfortunately, despite all this, we find ourselves forced to deduct points from Allman for failing to title his feature, "Arc of the Covenant Marriage". We've come to expect better.

* We reserve the right to levy further complaints about this week's The Gambit regarding "Rex Duke's" atrocious reviews of this year's Carnival parades. But such complaints would have to accompany our own Carnival wrap-up post which is itself currently sprawling out in the drafts folder and may not see the light of day without much much further work.

** This reminds me of an election day post that appeared here on the Yellow Blog waaaaay back in 2003 when we lodged the following complaints against then-candidate Jindal.

1) He believes he has personally confronted Satan. 2) He wants to teach creationism in public schools. 3) He used to work in the Bush Administration. 4) He and his wife have a covenant marriage. 5) All of this is downright nutty.

Eventually it all comes back.