
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jim Letten is not your friend

Dambala has something to add to yesterday's post. I'll just repost his comment in its entirety with annotations added in parentheses for clarity.

(quoting me in regard to the possibility of federal prosecutions)
"- I'll believe such things when I see them."

I hate to sound conspiratorial, but I am seriously starting to doubt the intentions and integrity of Letten and our branch of the U.S. attorney's office. I have so much info I can't yet put out....because I can't get the sources to come forward...that seriously brings into question the intent of the Fed.

(quoting Schroeder)"- But really, what a bunch of idiots we have in this town! Just seize the frakking email server!"

they have....the FBI already conducted a forensic audit on every computer in his administration. They have all the missing emails and much, much more. Why they're not coming forward with that info is what I don't understand....unless they're 1. building a case or 2. covering it up.

I don't know if you guys remember this but Meffert pulled this exact same thing back in 2003 when the Yacht story first came out. They were so stupid in the beginning that they were using city servers to transfer all their blackberry messages....when Gordon R. put an FOIA request in....Meffert shut down the entire system for two days and wiped out all the emails that had been generated on the servers. He directed everyone in MIS to erase all their emails as well. He then said the email database had been accidentally lost while performing a "system upgrade".

It concerns me that Meffert is now the big cheese in the local RNC and I'm seriously beginning to wonder if Letten isn't sheltering him. I really don't know what the hell is going on but if Jones goes down alone....I am going to call bullshit on Letten and his office.

All they have to do to bust Meffert and crew is pull Imagines credit card statements from 2001 to 2004. Meffert bragged that he ran up over 80k in charges at the Gold Club, The International House, etc. on his Imagine credit card while he was the acting CTO. I know the Fed knows this because I've talked to the people working with Meffert who were interviewed by the FBI and told them all this information and more.

To make matters worse....I was just informed today that Meffert is now back in the MIS department...seriously. That's got to be my Holy Shit moment of the year.