The terms of this bet were simple. Saints win, and I have to say something nice about Chris Rose. I don't have to tell you that I've not slept well for over a week now due to the difficulty of this task. But suddenly, today, fate haS intervened on my behalf. Rose.. apparently drugged... has written a whole bunch of stuff I can actually agree with about the stupid (and clumsily racially pointed) criticism that the nation has belched forth at New Orleans for daring to try rebuilding a significant piece of the city's heritage. Here's Rose:
Why are we having this discussion still? Why are people from other places spending so much effort to tell us that, as a community, we are wrong, misguided, amoral and racist? Why are they making things up?
I mean, I can't really fathom how to craft a sensible response to a black man from Omaha who was offended by the appearance of U2. I mean, is this really an issue?
No African-Americans on the Saints roster or in Southern University's band or in the attendant media or Dome employees or security staffs or Irma Thomas or Allen Toussaint or the first responders who were honored or African-American season-ticket holders chose to boycott the game and maybe that's because they don't get it.
If there weren't thousands and thousands of black folks in the seats Monday night, then I am blind. And it might be worth noting -- just because I'm feeling ornery -- that when you incorporate surrounding parishes and trace a map from southern Mississippi up through central Louisiana, the demographic makeup of the Saints potential fan base is not an African-American majority.
In fact, it's not even close -- but acknowledging this would weaken the demagogic arguments of outsiders who keep hammering home just what a cesspool of humanity we've turned out to be here in south Louisiana. Human dreck. Unworthy.
Thank you, Chris Rose. You rock.