
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Where's the conservative/libertarian outrage?

National Guard troops have had a law enforcement presence in New Orleans for over a year now. This constitutes the longest sustained military policing of the city since reconstruction. Since arriving here, they have:

Now the feds are considering sending in the ATF to bolster the occupying force. Where are all the right wing anti-federalists and gun nuts when we need them? These people are killing us.

I certainly hope they aren't buying into the media tendency to value the lives of tourists over those of the citizenry. That would be obscene.

note: Please do not jump on me for appearing to diminish the disgust I'm sure we all feel at last night's horrific event on Frenchmen St. I'm only pointing out that such crimes happen all too frequently in New Orleans but seem to become major news when a tourist is affected. As a New Orleanian, I find that insulting.