
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Offbeat has a noise complaint

Yes I know this is mostly a Torres story but here is the LOL.
Torres is not the only one upset about the noise Vaso generates. The club has become a headache for nearby businesses, including the local music scene publication. At its offices nearby, publisher Jan Ramsey said working on the weekends can be problematic when Vaso opens at 11 a.m. and keeps doors open, blasting music into the street.

While Ramsey said she considers herself a champion of musicians' rights and is sympathetic to the plight of artists affected by the eviction, she said Torres has a point about the club’s operating practices. She’s tried to get the club’s management to shut its doors but was told, “If we have to shut the doors, we might as well not even be open,” Ramsey said.
You never know who is a NIMBY until the thing comes to their own BY, I guess.