
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Any day now the self-driving college will come along and solve this

One of Loyola's accredidations is on probation due to fiscal problems. That's not a huge surprise given the school's well-publicized struggles with cuts and layoffs in recent years.  This article suggests things are going a bit better with regard to enrollment and fundraising, though we really have no idea what sort of bar they need to hit in order to be comfortable.

In any case, this isn't as reassuring as it is meant to be.
Moreover, the university has committed to finding new revenue by investing in more online degrees, she said, expanding continuing education and adding innovative programming that is more likely to appeal to newer generations of incoming freshmen
It's hard to read "investing in online degrees," without concluding that means faculty layoffs but I could be wrong about that. As for "innovative programming," I have no idea what that means.  What new degrees are all the kids dying to take on piles of debt in order to acquire these days?  Even in the "innovative" fields, there's not much wage growth to speak of.