
Thursday, November 03, 2011

Shit My Jackie Says

Councilwoman and New Orleans's undisputed Queen of Quotable for 2011 Jackie Clarkson questioning Police Chief Ronal Serpas during this week's budget hearings:
Clarkson suggested that Serpas lead a team of four or five officers to clean up drug crime, taking on the role of Sean Connery’s character in the 1987 Brian De Palma movie “The Untouchables,” even though Kevin Costner played the leader of that group, Federal Agent Eliot Ness.

Clarkson said Connery is better looking than Costner, which is why she allotted Serpas for that role instead of Costner’s. But her rhetoric also showed scant regard for the constitutional rights of the city’s accused criminals, just like Connery’s character in the movie.

“Take no prisoners,” Clarkson said.

Just to reiterate. Jackie Clarkson wants the New Orleans Police Department to abstain from taking prisoners. I wonder if Sheriff Gusman knows about this since it could negatively affect his per diem.

Previously on Shit My Jackie Says: