
Saturday, November 05, 2011

Quote of the Day

Jonathan Schwarz
There's apparently no better place to hide things in 2011 America than in a book.

That's pretty good but there are a couple things I should add. Schwarz is implying that not enough people talk about Obama's "pitchforks" meeting with the bankers when it is, in fact, basically common knowledge. At least I know I've seen it all over the various media and internets during the past few years and I'm pretty far from the center of any informed conversation about anything.

Second, seriously, I think a blog is about as effective a hiding place as a book is nowadays anyway. Nobody has time to read past 140 characters or process information beyond just clicking "like" anymore. And even if they did, I know I certainly wouldn't recommend they read anything by Ron Suskind in the first place.

But I get the point. That little anecdote is actually pretty relevant right now. It should at least remind our nation's #occupy pitchforkers, who is trying to protect the bankers from them.