
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Clean Teaming all over #OccupyNOLA's behind

Well now that New York City Mayor (and Louisiana school privatization advocate) Michael Bloomberg has reminded a Sandusky-obsessed America that Occupy Wall Street was still going on, speculation has begun as to where the next crackdown might occur.
Rumors have been swirling around various Occupy camps that a series of major crackdowns in recent days -- spanning from New York to Denver to Oakland, with several others in between -- were being done on the orders of Washington. That's unlikely.

But in an interview with BBC News, Oakland Mayor casually admitted that she had participated in a conference call with officials from 18 cities to discuss the OWS movement, tactics for managing its camps, etc.

No word anywhere on which cities might be coordinating their crackdowns although some protest groups are already taking preventive measures.

Meanwhile, it's worth noting that Mitch Landrieu saw fit to call out our local Occupy camp while unveiling his anti-litter initiative yesterday.
Landrieu also served notice that the clock is ticking on the Occupy NOLA encampment that's been established across from City Hall in Duncan Plaza.

"We think that we have been a great host to Occupy NOLA," he said. "They have been there in a peaceful way. But at some point in time, we've got to say 'Look, you've worn out your welcome.'

"At some point in time, it's going to get beyond just a First Amendment expression."

While Landrieu did not offer a timetable, he said the protesters likely will be asked to leave "sooner rather than later."
It doesn't appear as though the Mayor saw fit to elaborate as to what "getting beyond First Amendment expression" actually means much less where he derives his certainty that such a threshold will soon be passed. But it would seem that plans are in the works to "Trash Dat" #Occupy camp "sooner rather than later" regardless.

Glad to see Gambit thinking along the same lines here. Mitch may be looking to disperse OccupyNOLA before the end of the month.