
Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Obviously we need more DUI checkpoints

I wasn't on Bourbon Street last night but if the usual set-up was in place, these shootings couldn't have occurred more than a block away from one of those collapsible surveillance towers NOPD brings out during special events. Can't believe that didn't help.

The rest of the response is pretty routine. As always happens in these circumstances, consensus opinion will determine the problem is everyone has too much freedom right now. Serpas will tell us "the data shows" we need more checkpoints and heavier curfew enforcement. City Council will be even more aggressive in their zeal for stripping liquor licenses. There's a 50/50 chance Bacchanal will be raided again.

Just this morning I heard Bob DelGiorno talking about these shootings on his WWL radio show when he wandered into this thought. Quoting from memory so not exact but close. "What about all these 1% protesters? How long do you let the civil disobedience go? How long before they start deciding that they want some of what you have and want to come into your house to get it? I'm telling you it's a bad idea not to have a gun in this town."

So I guess we have to break up #Occupy NOLA now too. Makes perfect sense too. After all, we just got finished scattering 115 homeless people out from under the Calliope Street overpass. Just think of how many more people could have been shot last night if we hadn't been proactive there!

And if all that fails, the ace up our collective sleeve is we can always put together another city-wide crime march. It won't stop the murders, but it might make super-awesome Treme episode one day.