“Don’t Trash DAT!” is New Orleans’ new anti-littering slogan, and it was introduced this afternoon at Basin Street Station, the visitors’ center near the French Quarter. Many of the city’s top tourism leaders joined Mayor Mitch Landrieu for the kickoff of the campaign, which is one of the keystones in the city’s preparation for a particularly busy 18 months of high-profile events, including the Sugar Bowl and BCS National Championship (Jan. 2012), the NCAA Final Four (March-April 2012) and, of course, the Feb. 2013 Super Bowl.
I suppose it could be worse. In Rio, they're preparing for the "high-profile event" of the 2016 Olympics by attacking the city slums with helicopters. In New Orleans, we aren't yet quite third world enough to where the police can lead paramilitary assaults on neighborhoods in the name of sprucing up for tourist season, but we're getting there.
Of course, Landrieu isn't the first Mayor of New Orleans to try and score points with the cleanlier-than-thou neighborhood association set by initiating an anti-litter campaign. In fact, it's something of a tradition; one that always includes new garbage cans in one way or another.
For those who have complained of not being able to find municipal trash cans, Landrieu said that deputy mayor Cedric Grant would be placing more cans around high-traffic areas.
Will Grant be placing the new cans personally? Are these new garbage cans that have been funded somehow in the new miserly city budget? Or is Grant going to just move some stuff around? If they are new cans, will they have the Mayor's name on them? What happens if we need them to be "bomb-proof"?