
Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Poll numbers

A poll commissioned by John Georges can be read a number of ways but this way is particularly fun.

BATON ROUGE - A Republican rival's poll shows U.S. Rep. Bobby Jindal's base is a solid 38 percent, with 62 percent saying they support someone else for governor, haven't made up their minds or they would consider someone else.

Now to find that someone else...

Walter Boasso thinks it may be him. His own poll referenced here has him leading all other someones else at 21% and he certainly has the most entertaining tv commercials but I'm still waiting to see if Foster Campbell can catch fire. I'd left him for dead on arrival until this Gambit piece seemed to imply that he's been showing signs. If a populist campaign like Campbell's gets off the ground, it would mean something much more interesting is afoot in Louisiana politics than if Boasso manages to buy his way into a runoff. But we'll leave that as it is for the moment.

Meanwhile, back to the Verne Kennedy poll commissioned by Georges that I mentioned at the top of this entry for the following tidbit,

The poll of 600 voters taken July 18-20 by Verne Kennedy of Market Research Institute and paid for by the campaign of John Georges, a New Orleans billionaire running for governor, also shows voters have forgiven U.S. Sen. David Vitter, R-Metairie.


More than four out of five voters - 84 percent - had heard about Vitter's involvement with a Washington, D.C. alleged prostitution ring, but 62 percent said he should not resign.

Like I've been saying, if Vitter keeps his head up and continues to stare this scandal down, he's got plenty of time to lie his way free.