Table 1, the Hicham Khodr operation at Washington and Magazine which opened right after the storm, is already shutting down. It will be revamped to offer "everyday affordable and takeout-friendly dining."
Judging by what's been going on on Magazine Street lately, I'd guess it would have to reopen as a Quizno's. Yes there is already a Quizno's directly across the street, but putting another at the Table 1 site would be in keeping with the current pattern of opening a sushi place right across from a sushi place.. which is right next door to a gelateria.. which is two doors down from a gelateria.. which is just across the street from a coffee shop.. a block over from a coffee shop.. across from another coffee shop.. next door to a nail salon.. across the street from a nail salon... all of which is interspersed with day spas.. and more coffee. Okay so you get the point.