The event, which dovetails closely with the second anniversary of the Federal Flood, is an excellent way for anyone interested in taking stock of the the state of New Orleans two years later to do so.
Quoting directly from the conference's web site:
The weekend schedule of events is organized and presented by New Orleans bloggers in an effort to bring real-life activism to their online visibility. This year, Rising Tide will present author Dave Zirin, engineer Timothy Ruppert ,“Fix the Pumps” author Matt McBride, and panel discussions featuring New Orleans bloggers, authors, community activists and political muckrakers.
Cost is $20.00 which includes catered lunch from Dunbar's restaurant and registration info is available on the web site. See here for more.
Last year's event was a smashing success and... I thought.. a nice way to commemorate the Katrinaversary. This year promises to be even better. So pack your laptop and your two-edged sword and come see the buffoons. Maybe I'll see you there. I'll be the guy smirking gloomily in the back.