The hurricane, Nagin said, was an "unimaginable event," one he implied may have been designated by God.It's not the clownishness or even the stupid superstition that bothers me about this. It's the lie. C-Ray was the candidate of the haves in the recent election. His policies do not favor the people he claims to represent in this speech. American politics (drifting that way for a while) entered the Orwellian era in earnest sometime after 2000. C-Ray is every bit a man of his times.
Before Katrina, Nagin said, New Orleans was a city of "haves and have nots," with one of the highest rates of poverty, one of the worst public school systems in the nation and a high percentage of young males involved in crime.
"Then, you know, God looked down on that and said, `You know, I need to change that'," Nagin said. "And then Katrina happened. And in the midst of all that devastation, God is now allowing us to have an opportunity to reset the table, and that was what the election was all about."
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