
Thursday, October 14, 2004

I've been looking for a short way of saying this

And here it is. I agree with Kos.
No more moderators. Let real people ask the questions.
This was billed as a debate on domestic issues. So where were the questions on:

Gas prices
Stem cell research
Energy policy
Transportation policy

The second debate offered the best questions by far. That should be the norm.
Screw overpaid, self-important media blowhards.
Here's what I don't care about. 1) How much you fuckers love your fucking wives. 2) How much the moderator loves his fucking wife. 3) How much the President loves GSUS.

A few quick observations:
  • Bush lies. Not only that but he lies stupidly about shit that is easily disproved.
  • Kerry sucks at calling Bush on his lies. Here's a winning Kerry strategy. All he has to say is, "That's a croc of shit," press repeat and take the rest of the night off. Instead he drones on and emits mildly unoffensive utterances except for the parts where he says infuriating indefensible things like, "We need a guest worker program" or
    Outsourcing is going to happen.

    I've acknowledged that in union halls across the country. I've had shop stewards stand up and say, "Will you promise me you're going to stop all this outsourcing?"

    And I've looked them in the eye and I've said, "No, I can't do that."
But then again, he must know something I don't because it looks like the spin is, once again, going his way.