- Yankee fans, something is wrong with you. Sure two big calls went against you, but they were the correct calls. You have no beef. Please stop throwing things at us.
- Interesting to learn that NYPD was ready to go with a full riot squad last night. You don't know how much I was hoping for one of the stormtroopers to interfere with a ball in play. That would have been fun.
- Just look at this.
With the help of the Boston team doctors, Schilling underwent a unique suturing process on Monday in which the skin around the dislocated tendon was cut and stitched tighter.
I really hope I'm the first to point this out (somehow I doubt it though) but the man actually had red sox. I'm just sayin'.
Schilling eschewed any thoughts of using a specially-designed shoe, claiming it made the situation worse. The doctors brainstormed and came up with the makeshift surgery, not knowing how their man would respond, and Schilling took the Yankee Stadium hill with his regular cleats.
Schilling strode to the mound in the middle of cold October drizzle, with wind howling and 55,000 fans sharing their special Bronx version of disapproval at particularly high decibels.
His sutured ankle bled slightly, tinting his sock red as he threw the first pitch to Derek Jeter. But he retired Jeter and went on to pitch one of the best games of his career. - Fox graphic about Red Sox World Series history prompts the following actual conversation:
Consuela: Oh so they've been in the World Series before.
Me: Yes but they haven't won since 1918 and they always lose in horrible awful heartbreaking ways and..
Consuela: But I thought this was supposed to be a big deal. But they really aren't that bad. They've made it to the World Series. Why is this important?
Me: Well... um .. it's the Yankees and they are evil and they always beat us in horrible ways and crush dreams and eat babies and stuff.
Consuela: But they have beaten them. They've been in the World Series.
Me: Well.. no it's... This is important ok?
Consuela: Whatever
So here we go. After coming back from 0-3 the Sox have found another way to set us up for a perfect heartache. The universe is back in balance. I can hardly look.