
Thursday, October 28, 2004

1918 2004!!

Really, guys, I... I don't know what to think. Surprisingly, emotions are mixed. To begin with, I wasn't too sure about getting out of bed at all this morning. If there was a world left to step into, surely a world in which the Boston Red Sox are World Champions is liable to be filled with strange new conventions. What if everyone was suddenly driving on the left side, or the official language turned out to be Esperanto, or the landlord actually fixed my ceiling? I don't think I could deal.
Luckily none of these things happened. Still the Sox did win. And I don't know what it means. It might mean it will be fun to hear the new "Year 2000" taunt the next time the Yankees come to Fenway. It might mean that now that we have shown one way to break a curse is to break some kid's teeth, is any smile safe in Chicago? In New Orleans? It might mean that Red Sox fans and players past and present are relieved of a special burden that had come to define their existence begging the question, who exactly are we now? One thing it does mean for certain is change. As a personal principle I absolutely loathe change. Perhaps this is why I am so apprehensive. Let's try and enjoy it.. and hope that that other shoe is not still suspended threateningly over our unsuspecting heads.

Those basking in the warm glow of the apocalypse today: