
Monday, October 11, 2004

Busy this morning

I'm a little backed up here this morning. I'll try to squeeze in a few words later on last week's debate, the fact that God has once again chosen the Yankees as his vessel through which he will unleash yet another round of terrible vengeance upon Red Sox fans, and that awful Saints game which I did not attend. In the meantime, check it out. Women are better than men at playing video games while drunk.
The researchers gave 12 men and 12 women, all classed as "social drinkers" a set amount of alcohol each.

They then tested their ability to hit a button at the right time when a symbol flashed up.

Participants had to hit a green button when a green symbol flashed up. If a blue symbol appeared, they were told not to hit anything.

People became less able to prevent themselves hitting the green key when a blue symbol appeared the more drunk they became.

But the men's performance was around three times worse than the women's.

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