
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Andy Kopplin's vision for UNO

Running it like a business
As state legislators grapple with a $2 billion budget gap for the next fiscal year, Kopplin said the school’s next leader will need to be creative about raising revenue. One possibility, he suggested, is reaching out to large businesses and corporations and developing partnerships that could support research at the lakefront school.
It’s the only tool in the neoliberal box. There's never any social, political, or academic challenge we can't meet with a little determined public-private partnering and commercialization.

Can't wait to see UNO start pumping out the latest research on "super natural cows". 
Crystal Brown, a communications representative from the University of Maryland, explained that the chocolate milk study was funded through the Maryland Industrial Partnerships program, a collaboration between the university and "commercial entities for economic development across the state of Maryland." The idea behind the program is to foster job creation through industry and university collaborations, according to Brown.

As it turns out, the maker of Fifth Quarter Fresh chocolate milk — which comes from a dairy cooperative in Hagerstown, Maryland — funded 10 percent of the study, and the university funded the rest.

So here we have a milk manufacturer working in partnership with the University of Maryland to fund a sloppy study, and the university then blasts the results, persuading schools and the press that this milk works wonders on students' brains.
The last UNO president was tasked with overseeing the dismantling of the public institution.  It only makes sense that the next guy's job will involve selling off the parts.