Mother Jones published Romney's remarks in two parts yesterday, which is how journalist David Corn says he received it from his source.Yes, it's quite suspicious. That missing two minutes could hold the key to everything. Maybe Mitt finally reveals the secrets behind Boutnygate. It could be anything. Luckily the entire internet is on the case.
"When we put up the full video, the source said -- and I have no reason not to believe him -- that the device that was being used inadvertently shut down or timed-out," Corn told POLITICO. "As soon as he knew that, he turned the camera back on and, at most, one to two minutes were missed. The video came to me as two separate files, and that is how we posted it on the website."
Nevertheless, the omission, first flagged by Glenn Beck's The Blaze, is already causing some controversy on the right. The conservative blog Legal Insurrection sought Corn's explanation and Joel Pollak, editor-in-chief of, accused Mother Jones of breaking its promise to release the full video. "There is new reason to suspect manipulation," Pollak writes. "Mother Jones's entire story now deserves to be treated with suspicion, if not contempt."
On the other hand, they might as well not bother. It's probably just two straight minutes of this.