Clarkson explained that the process gave each member an opportunity to put three names on an itemized list that was eventually narrowed down through voting process that was "very open, very democratic, and very transparent." The Council President said that the list was shortened so as not to "bring eighteen people here today and make it a circus. Because we're too dignified for that."We're getting into the second half of the year now and in city governance world that means Budget Season is approaching. Council will have to make some uncomfortable and politically sensitive choices this year. They will be doing the bulk of this work with 2 members who were not elected by the constituents they represent and who will not be accountable to those voters in the upcoming elections. But, hey, at least they'll have their dignity.
Or will they?
Along with the tension, those in the Council chambers witnessed what seemed to be a brief flashback to an episode in the spring during which Hedge-Morrell and Johnson walked out of Council chambers, and ultimately prevented the selection of an interim Councilmember. Before the Council voted to adjourn, Hedge-Morrell briefly left the dais. Clarkson made the motion for adjournment. Another minute passed before Hedge-Morrell came back to cast her vote.