
Monday, July 30, 2012


The Atlanta Falcons would prefer to remain anonymous.
James Varney reports that the Falcons refused to allow their logo and images to be included in a “Rebirth’’ statue of Steve Gleason that was unveiled outside the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on Friday. The statue captures a classic moment in Saints history.

It portrays Gleason’s crucial block of a punt in the first game the Saints played in the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina. The 2006 game was against the Falcons and Gleason blocked Michael Koenen’s punt.

Okay so maybe they're not actually being total dicks about this.  It's probably some kind of complicated trademark issue involving the league and whether or not anybody can sell a "Who Dat" T-shirt or something.  Let's ask them. They'll tell us.

"The first thing that happens in a request for marks is that it has to go to the league because we don’t own the marks,’’ (Falcons President Rich) McKay told ESPN.com. “The league does for anything outside of our market. When they brought it to us, we discussed it with them and we came to the conclusion that, obviously the fact they're honoring the moment is fantastic. We were all there. It was an incredible moment for the city. It was not something that we wanted to memorialize the game. So we kind of looked at it as though we didn’t want necessarily a statue in front of the building that had our marks. Albeit, we all understand how important the moment was for the city and what they had gone through. We all lived in that moment and it was a pretty special thing. Even losing, it was still a pretty special thing. But it was just something that when we talked to the league about it, we said we didn’t think it was appropriate to put the marks on it. Everybody knew what the game was. Everybody knew what the moment was."
In other words, no, they just didn't wanna.  Whatever.  Thanks for being such great sports, guys.  Here's what Remi Ayodele thinks of your stupid marks, by the way

ATLANTA -- The scene was one of celebration, New Orleans Saints players dancing and taking pictures on the Atlanta Falcons logo late Monday night at the Georgia Dome, in uniform no less.
As they ran back into the tunnel, pictures taken, dances completed, smiles wide, I asked one of the players what that was all about.

"I pissed on the Falcons logo," Saints defensive tackle Remi Ayodele said.
Another great moment in Saints-Falcons history that someone should probably memorialize.  If we can get this statue commissioned, I'd chip in to have it installed outside the Georgia Dome somewhere.  We can put it right next to the one commemorating those two points the Falcons scored during the playoffs last year.