
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Going Galt to Mexico

Good catch by Josh Marshall here. The crazy stuff Ron Paul says with his own mouth this year is every bit as nutty as the stuff his newsletter staff wrote years ago.

James Gill's column opens today like this.

Ron Paul, who is expected to fare well in next week's Iowa caucuses, is also attracting passionate support in various other states, including Louisiana. Nobody gives him any chance of winning the GOP nomination, however. He wants, for instance to repeal the Patriot Act, so named, in the spirit of Orwell, because it betrays the principles that made America a beacon for the free world.

In these skittish times only the nutty fringe would advocate a return to the rule of law.

Ron Paul is undoubtedly the nutty fringe. The fact that he is also the only candidate who talks with any conviction at all about just how un-free we've made ourselves is a sad indicator of how far from the agenda this fundamental problem has been shoved.

Upperdate: Corrected the title misspelling. Originally I had it Gault... like Willie. Because I am more of a football fan than a libertarian.

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