
Saturday, June 26, 2010

I never said Bobby Jindal isn't full of shit

Only said that his full-of-shitness was briefly loud enough to draw attention to the fact that others were also full of shit. But in the end, it's important to remember that Bobby Jindal is pretty damned full of shit too.
But a review of Louisiana’s prespill preparation suggests that the state may be open to the same criticisms that Mr. Jindal has leveled at BP and federal authorities.

The state has an oil spill coordinator’s office. Its staff shrank by half over the last decade, and the 17-year-old oil spill research and development program that is associated with the office had its annual $750,000 in financing cut last year. The coordinator is responsible for drawing up and signing off on spill contingency plans with the Coast Guard and a committee of federal, state and local officials.

Some of these plans are rife with omissions, including pages of blank charts that are supposed to detail available supplies of equipment like oil-skimming vessels. A draft action plan for a worst case is among many requirements in the southeast Louisiana proposal listed as “to be developed.”
The sad fact is everybody's worst case action plan was "to be developed" to one degree or another. BP's was "to be developed" with walruses and sea lions in mind. MMS's was "to be developed" over a few rounds of cocaine and hookers. The Coast Guard's was "to be developed" under BP's direction. And on and on.