Some people in the Facebooks are saying that NOPD is running around town with a letter from Mitch and Serpas ordering street musicians to shut down. I'm thinking this will go badly for the Mayor and Chief for two reasons.
1) Everybody thinks they're on Treme these days and so folks will become very testy over a perceived threat to "the culture". I doubt that NOPD could even tell one "got your shoes" dude to quit harassing people without facing the wrath of a thousand wanna-be Creighton Bernettes on some holy crusade right now.
2) This is a stupid bullshit thing for NOPD to be worried about in the first place. Let the kids play. Seems every mayor feels the need to make an early splash by pushing one or another helpless group around for show. Nagin did something similar with cab drivers in his first few months in office. But going after brass bands playing to crowds on Bourbon and Frenchmen Streets? I thought these were supposed to be the "smart" grown-up types we just installed.
Anyway, bound to hit a news outlet near you in 3...2....
Update: Meanwhile, if you're in the Facey Tubes, you may want to go and "like" this page where you'll find more stuff like this video of the police shutting TBC down last night.
Upperdate: Gambit picking up the story now
Uppestdate: Courtesy of Lisa P., here's some great video of TBC playing in their usual spot on the first block of Bourbon Street. She's got plenty more where that came from on her YouTube channel
Meanwhile, Varg throws up a quick list of No Fun items we're still familiar with during the first days of Mitchville.
A week or so ago, Ronal Serpas called a frickin' press conference so he could announce to all of us that he has an email. Maybe this would be a good time to take advantage of that fact.