
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Quote of the Day

Ray Nagin:
"Politics in New Orleans is the dominant industry, so I decided to get in," he said. "Besides tourism, politics dominates everything. I just think it's part of our legacy and our history. Politics is definitely a sport and something that the citizens pay attention to."
Let me add that I like this quote very much. I know certain humorless individuals frown on the description of politics as a "sport". I am not among them. In fact, it's fair to say that I probably use exactly the same part of my brain to "pay attention" to politics that I use to follow sports. (Some day I'll detail my plan for making Head Football Coach an elected office)

As for the line about Nagin getting into politics because it's "the dominant industry" I'd say that's an exceedingly astute and introspective observation for the Mayor.

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