
Thursday, June 04, 2009

Bizzarre moments in damgage control

I don't get it either.

Update: I still don't get it.
The day before his scheduled appearance before a federal grand jury probing allegations of corruption in New Orleans' troubled crime-camera program, a former city technology chief told reporters he is not a target of the inquiry and has been "vilified" by unnamed politicians reeling over his refusal to hire their favored campaign contributors for the program.
Wha... who? Is AJ saying that he was protecting the pristine IT dept from potential corruption from the outside? Really?

Upperdate: Oh but it gets even more fun.

Uppestdate: AJ's attorney really is playing long ball here. Dambala's right to say that it's not necessarily in his client's best interest for Burns to use him this way. Which raises the question of who Burns actually thinks he's working for.

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