
Saturday, May 20, 2006

Mid-Election Day Update

Couldn't resist. I'm in the middle of moving Menckles in to my place and we're currently shopping for home internet service. I got up early today to go vote and had a few minutes so I've stopped in at the Bastille on Toulouse to offer a few observations.

I grew up in Gentilly and despite the fact that I live uptown these days, I still vote in Gentilly. This gives me an excuse to drive accross town on election day and really soak in the atmosphere. (Not that I wouldn't anyway.. I am a geek.) It's only 10:30 but it looks to me like Nagin has at least twice as many foot-soldiers and sign-wavers out there as Mitch does. At the corner of Jefferson and St. Charles, someone has installed some Quentin Brownesque "Vote for Nagin" signs. I've got pictures but I can't post them until Monday. At the corner of Elysian Fields and Leon C Simon, a group of Nagin cheerleaders are chanting "To have a nice day, vote for Ray!" There is also an apparently unaffiliated gentleman with a big smile and a cane wandering around and shouting to no one in particular, "Vote for the best, not the less!" Whatever happens today, I love this city. I'll try and check in with more later.