CONSPIRACY OF READERS: Apparently seeking to figure out which mayoral candidate has the most well-worn library card, the local chapter of the American Marketing Association asked Nagin and Landrieu at a forum Tuesday to describe how New Orleans might figure into George Mason University professor Richard Florida's theory on the "creative class."Nagin's Bushesque paranoia once again on display here. Wow.. he really thought that was a big set up? Tell me this isn't true.
Nagin responded that even after Katrina, New Orleans can attract artists and other creative professionals, especially through tax credits for companies that make movies, musical scores and digital media products.
Landrieu then eagerly volunteered that he recently read Florida's book. "The general idea is that if you attract smart people, that smart people will create business, smart people will build an economy," he said, then echoed, approximately, the points Nagin made about the movie and video game industries.
Despite the near-parity of the candidates' answers -- minus, of course, Landrieu's literary citation -- Nagin complained to moderator Garland Robinette, the WWL radio show host, painting himself as the victim of a conspiracy.
"I protest," Nagin said. "I've been set up. Y'all gave Mitch the questions. Y'all would set up a sitting mayor. That's a doggone shame."
Robinette and Landrieu denied any collusion.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Landrieu Book Review Corner
This is fun.
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