
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Worst Debate Ever

Let's hope that by the time WWL hosts its next mayoral debate, enough people will have told them that their format sucks. Last night's debacle was one of the more groan-inducing spectacles in the history of political theater. In a local news climate where the viewing audience is often treated to dramatic advertisements extolling the heroic virtues of a given station's weatherman, it is hardly surprising that WWL would have designed a debate format that allows more uninterrupted speaking time for its lame assemblage of small-time info-tainers than for the actual candidates. Last night, each of the (four for christsakes!) WWL personalities on hand was given a set of questions submitted by "viewers like you" about which he or she would make a short condescending speech pointing out just how well that WWL personality cares about the concerns of "viewers like you". Next the WWL personality would paraphrase the viewer-submitted questions into something mushy and irrelevant like, "How did Katrina change you as a person?" and direct them at one of the candidates. The tagged candidate then had one minute to rattle off a non-answer before the beginning of a four minute "jump ball" session during which all of the candidates were allowed to scream at once in something reminiscent of a 3:00 AM barroom argument only less coherent.

Despite WWL's utter dereliction of its duty to provide its viewers with an opprotunity to substantively evaluate the candidates, last night's event managed to entertain in spots.

  • The most fun theatrical moment came after Peggy (crazy eyes) Wilson fired off her obligatory "welfare queen" comment. Forman turned limply toward her, placed his limp hand on her arm and limply said, "Peggy stop it. You're dividing the community." To which she replied, "Don't touch me."

  • The stupid format allowed Rob Couhig to make some fairly outrageous statements without anyone getting an opportunity to call him on them. Among these were (1) City Hall can be staffed 24 hours a day and largely by "volunteers". (2) Public housing was originally intended to be "transitional housing". (3) No city has ever recovered from a "period of decline". Couhig's presence is hurting Forman's chances of making the runoff. I expect Forman to make a move to buy Couhig's withdrawl and endorsement shortly before the primary. Until then, Couhig will continue to rile up the conservative base with his unchecked inflamatory rhetoric.

  • Regardless of what anyone may think of Nagin's performance as mayor, he continues to come off as the lone adult in these gatherings and is clearly winning every debate.

  • Someone needs to tell Mitch that the campaign has started. He could be winning this thing but appears not to want it very badly.

Did I mention that WWL sucks? They will host another debate on April 20. Here's hoping that they learn something from this.