
Monday, April 17, 2006


Check it out, New Orleans. Your alternative weekly does indeed have a pulse. In a staggering upset, the Gambit has decided not to endorse Forman. In its editorial, the Gambit takes such a dim view of Forman's candidacy that it looks like something that could have appeared on Moldy City.


Moldy City on Sunday
It may seem naive to get so riled up about a politician's wildly exaggerated claims of accomplishment or vague attack ads. Fact is, I wouldn't with any other candidate (maybe Boulet). I'd point out the inaccuracies, but I wouldn't consider it a major issue. The difference is, Forman backers don't see him as a politician; they see him as a miracle worker. Guess he performed the minor miracle of being a demagogue without being a politician.

The Gambit writes (this week's Gambit not online yet) here
A city that is good for business works only when it is safe, has an infrastructure that is solidly built and well maintained and delivers fundamental services in a timely and cost-effective manner. Some candidates for mayor are campaigning as if they are running for savior - and many citizens are falling into the trap of expecting too much from our next mayor. We think it's time to get back to basics.
